How and what you outsource will differ depending on whether you are more of an extrovert or an introvert. Now just because you are the life of the party does not mean you are an extrovert. Extroverts and introverts do things very differently and may look different in different situations. Many apparently extroverted people are only situationally extroverted. Introversion or extroversion is actually about how you use energy. Does going to a party or giving a presentation in front of a room get you fired up, or do you need time alone after to recharge?

You can look at business tasks the same way. As an entrepreneur, there are a myriad of tasks that you will faced with on a regular basis because there are many facets to being a successful business owner. It’s important to know your strengths and weaknesses so that you don’t waste unnecessary time and energy on the wrong things. In addition to actual strengths and weeknesses, you also should look at how the tasks utilize your energy. You may be an excellent bookkeeper, but if it drains your energy, it may not be the best use of your time. Similarly, you may be an excellent public speaker, but it may drain your energy. It may be worth the bang for the buck so you should at least evaluate the impact on your business even if it tires you out.

Extroverts and Introverts do things differently. Here is an assortment of tasks by type:


Staying on top of market research and accounting are great ways for introverts to stay up to date and use their strong set of skills. Attention to detail is important. Introverts who prefer to handle the tasks that require solitude is a great way to stay involved in their endeavors. Introverts may also be very talented at design and attention to detail in things like fonts.


One of the great skills of an extrovert is networking and marketing. Make it a point to get out into the scene and make a statement for yourself and your business through the channel of your great personality. Attend relevant gatherings and taking lots of pictures for social media is a great to utilize your skills and make you fulfilled.

Find out how you can put your strengths to their best use and learn how you can outsource the things that don’t fit with how you prefer to work.