Food batching is one area that can help free your time.  Even within your own house you can outsource and batch things together such as cooking.  It is actually more efficient to cook several meals at once and freeze or otherwise save them for later in the week.  This will free up time and allow you to stay focused. You can also combine food batching with various meal services such as hello fresh or or simply local food delivery to basically save you the most time possible in your food preparation tasks.  Not only are you saving time on the food preparation, you are saving time on the cleanup as well.

It’s Only a Model

While this topic is a bit of a stretch related to outsourcing, it is a good example for how you can batch tasks and potentially outsource tasks.  Once you get good at something like food preparation, think about what other things you can batch to save time.  This can help your brain get into outsourcing mode.